Results image of bus tour line for free antennas

TV Liberation Tour Provides a Window into Your World

You know what we hate? Seeing people throw away their money to the cable companies. Beyond money, people feel trapped by the cable companies, feeling like they have to pay for cable to get the shows they want. They feel like they are hostages in this abusive relationship with the cable company. Since 2010, we have […]

Results image of Clearstream Eclipse with Golden Gate Bridge

#ADBusTour Lets Freedom Ring in Chinatown, San Francisco

Independence Day means a lot to us here at Antennas Direct. Not only because we are proud to be Americans, but also because we consider ourselves to be liberators. Installing an antenna is not unlike signing a Declaration of Television Independence. It means you are no longer a victim of the tyranny from cable television. […]

Results image of Shinedown Cut the Cord album cover

Shinedown Premieres New Song “Cut The Cord”

Last night Shinedown, an American Rock band from Florida, returned with their first new song in three years with the track “Cut the Cord”. Brent Smith, frontman and vocals of Shinedown, sat down with Billboard to discuss what inspired their latest song. “‘Cut The Cord’ is a wake up call reminding us all that we […]