Results image of Congrats Comcast cake from Antennas Direct

Comcast Dumps Time Warner…And They Made Such a Cute Couple

On Friday, it became official. Comcast rolled out the old “it’s not you it’s me” with Time Warner. The cable giant announced that it was no longer going to go through with the merger deal and left Time Warner standing at the monopoly alter.

It’s sad to see something like this happen to such a perfect pair. They both were among the top of the Worst Companies in America list. Both had the same philosophy of customer service including little pet names. And both companies received a pre-wedding cake present from none other than Antennas Direct (check out the delivery here and here).

But, in the end, it didn’t work out. We hope they will remain friends and still agree to at least swap customers.

Honestly, we know that this is better for the American consumer. The joining of these two companies would have created a Cable Voltron, customer service would get even worse and broadcasters’ abilities to negotiate for fair retransmission of their content would have been compromised. So this break up is a good thing.

Still, there was this small part of us that would have loved to see just how astoundingly dismal they could make the customer experience. The worse they become, the more people feel compelled to cut the cord and receive free, over-the-air television with a digital TV antenna.

We wish them both the best. And, just for the record, we are not choosing sides. This too shall pass. Luckily, we wont have any trouble returning your antenna wedding present.


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