Forbes Featured the ClearStream 2MAX: Clearing The Air With This TV Antenna

Forbes Featured the ClearStream 2MAX: Clearing The Air With This TV Antenna

Picture this – it’s a crisp Fall Saturday, you have friends over watching college football and they ask what service you’re using to watch the game. “Oh, we’re watching with a TV antenna.” To which your friend replies, “No way?! How much do you pay for that each month?” This is when you get to drop the bomb. “Nothing. It’s free. There’s no subscription, the over-the-air signal is not compressed like they are with streaming TV services so it’s crystal clear with no delay or lag.”

BOOM. You just blew their minds. Isn’t that a great feeling?

This is the exact situation Forbes reporter Scott Kramer experienced just last week when he was watching a Big 10 matchup with a crew at his house. Thanks to his Antennas Direct ClearStream 2MAX antenna he is able to watch major networks like CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS, The CW and more, live and for free. In fact, he is receiving over 100 channels at his home in Southern California, which is a notoriously tricky area due to the hills and terrain.

“Antennas Direct bills itself as the World’s Most Powerful Antennas. So far in my experience, I completely agree.” Scott, that is music to our ears!

You can read his full Forbes article HERE. Ready to wow your friends and save over $2400 a year by canceling cable and watching broadcast TV for FREE with a TV antenna? You can give our customer service a call at 877-825-5572 for a free signal analysis and help determining the best antenna for YOU and your location. The best broadcast television is waiting for you.
