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Are You Afraid To Cut The Cord? Defer Your Cable Service To Test The Waters!

Parting ways with your cable or satellite provider can be a lot like ending and bad relationship.  You know you want to but change is hard. Or is it the fear of the unknown?  Well,  as for your cable or satellite relationship, you can test the waters without any regret or fear.  Suspend your service for up to 6 months!

Unknown to their customers, many cable and satellite providers have a loophole that allows users to suspend their service for a certain time period. This loophole is called “vacation mode” or “seasonal mode”. This is allowed for customers that have extended work periods, hospital extended stays, etc. The great thing about this policy is that you can use it to your advantage to buy yourself some time and refine your new media consumption lifestyle of cutting the cord…

For example DirecTV will allow you to suspend your service for 6 months at no charge and you still get to keep your equipment if you want to go back. We know you won’t! Many other providers like Comcast, Time Warner and Dish Network also offer similar options to pause your service.

So, embrace your breakup with you cable or satellite provider and enjoy the freedom of having that cord cut to them.
