Results image of Thank You cake from Antennas Direct

Stay the Course: Time Warner Takes the Cake

When you say, “Thank you,” it’s important that you really mean it.

So we mean it, when we thank the executives at Time Warner Cable. They, once again, are raising prices to rebroadcast free, over-the-air content. Thanks to the backward business practices of cable executives, we just keep getting more and more customers. It’s truly so generous of them. Rather than use lofty language as praise for cable’s growing irrelevance, we decided to show a tangible sign of our appreciation. We delivered a cake right to their front door.

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CSI: The Death of Cable

Since crime scene dramas are the most-watched television programming for over-the-air viewers, we decided to use that medium to help you understand the dire straits in which cable providers have found. Scene opens on a wealthy tycoon’s office. We had seen carnage before that day. But never any quite as mysterious. Cable Paymoor’s bloated body […]

Results image of old Sports Channel logo

8 Creative Ways Cord Cutters Can Watch Their Favorite Sports

When cutting the pay-TV cord, one of the biggest fears is losing access to live sports broadcasts. Maybe you have made the decision it was time to cut the cord, but need some help convincing your spouse. We have heard your cries for help and are here to help ease the cord cutting fears. We have compiled a list of ways you can still watch your favorite sport without having to pay for cable.