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Affordable Television Act (ATA) Grants Access to Television for Thousands

For too long, too many families have been without access to their favorite game shows and sitcoms. We believe access to free television is our right as citizens of this great nation. After all, we produce the best television in the world. Comedies like “Seinfeld,” dramas like “Law and Order” and cop shows like “Miami Vice,” are the cornerstone of our identity as Americans.

But for many of us, these shows are anything but nostalgia. The memory of their presence is painful. Because many Americans – over 80 percent of us – believe we must pay for television.
No more. The Affordable Television Act (ATA) allows TV viewers to experience the ease and quality of free, over-the-air television.

Here’s how the program works:
1. Have you been canceled by your Healthcare provider? If so, find your letter that alerted you of the cancellation.
2. Log on to (a site that will not go away – unlike other affordable acts)
3. Fill out the appropriate form and provide proof of your canceled Healthcare Insurance.
4. Enjoy free, over-the-air, high definition television.

ATA, also referred to as AntennaCare, will provide an antenna for just $4.99 ground shipping to the first 1,000 valid requests. Each antenna comes with a lifetime guarantee (a better promise than you will get from anyone in healthcare).

“Access to television programming is a right that all American families should have,” says Richard Schneider, president of Antennas Direct. “We have stood on the frontlines and seen too many families go without the sitcoms and game shows for months and sometimes years. AntennaCare ensures that all Americans will have the programming that holds our families and the fabric of this nation together.”
