Results image of Chamia Johnson mugshot

Man Killed Over Cable Television

Well, a more accurate title would be “Woman Murders Ex-Boyfriend for Not Paying Cable Bill”. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. You read that correctly. In today’s “sounds too crazy to be true” news story, a woman murders her ex-boyfriend for not paying the cable bill. Let us explain.

Chamia Johnson, 34, pleads not guilty last Thursday to second-degree murder in the killing of her former boyfriend, 39-year-old Antoine Mallory according to Inside Edition. Mallory was found stabbed in the chest in his Niagra Falls home on February 22. Now if that wasn’t crazy enough, the reason Johnson stabbed and killed her ex was because he did not pay the cable bill.

It appears Johnson arrived home only to realize that her cable was disconnected because the bill was not paid. Mallory, who is the father of two of Johnson’s four children, was supposedly expected to pay her cable bill, and did not. This of course infuriated Johnson, so she arrived at his home, demanding that he pay the bill. It doesn’t sound like that conversation went very well, considering Mallory ended up dead. Come on guys, it’s all about communication!

What is the moral of this story? If it weren’t for cable, Mallory would most likely still be alive. Without cable, they might have been happily co-parenting and friendly towards each other as there wouldn’t have been a bill to fight over. They would have also saved a ton of cash. Now Mallory is gone, Johnson is on her way to prison, and the children are left without parents. You see the evil that cable brings upon us all? Cut the cord, save a life.


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