Results image of Charleston giveaway man with antenna

Charleston’s Finest Come Out for the Antenna Giveaway

Like a scene from an iPhone launch, the police were called to our Charleston antenna giveaway. Not because of the noise or because people were out of line, but because there were so many people there!

With a police estimated 2,000 people, a line had formed outside of WCSC studios by 7am, despite not beginning until 10:30. Within the first hour we had given away all $15,000 worth of antennas to the thousands waiting in line. In total we gave away more than 400 antennas! There were even reports that people showed up a day early to check for a line.

While the police did show up, they were more than accommodating for the huge crowd. It turns out that the line was so long to get an antenna, it was blocking ambulances coming and going from a local medical facility.

We’d like to thank everyone from the Charleston area who turned and all of the people who called our office asking about DTV antennas.


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