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Ryze-Up Magazine Names ClearStream 2V Best Antenna

Naturally we think that our products are pretty amazing, but it’s always great when we hear it from other people. Larry Cornwell of Ryze-Up Magazine recently reviewed the ClearStream 2V and we were ecstatic with his feedback. Here is a brief summary of his review.

  • “I have been testing the Antennas Direct ClearStream 2V unit and it has been brilliant!”
  • The set up and installation is easy, the signals are strong and the pictures have been clear during the day, night and bad weather.
  • “The ClearStream 2V is one of the best, if not the best antenna on the market…clearly.”

Thank you Larry for the kind words. Be sure to check out Ryze-Up Magazine to read the review in it’s entirety. If you are interested in learning more about the ClearStream 2V or picking one up, simply click HERE.


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